This week I have had the privilege to attend the online Expo from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Thanks to my lovely 18 year old who has run the house in my stead with such grace and joy, I have been allowed me to listen without care.
Yesterday, was a special day. Not only did I, once again, get to enjoy the conference with little distraction but she took the kids away and I was actually home…alone.
During my devotional time in the morning I was reading in Proverbs 31 and was reminded that a virtuous woman looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Since, on this particular day I was not confined in my sewing room listening to the laptop, I decided I would make use of its mobility and get some things done while listening…and so, I cleaned the bathrooms.
I didn’t just clean the bathrooms, I CLEANED the bathrooms. I scrubbed from top to bottom, every surface I could find and reach. I scrubbed the shower curtains on the driveway with a mop, I cleaned the rugs, the closets, the baseboards, the cabinets, literally anything I could get my rag and magic sponge on. I don’t think our bathrooms have been this clean since we built our house 5 years ago, as a matter of fact, I am sure some of what I cleaned was construction grime.
At some points during my cleaning operation, my thoughts wondered off to my husband. “What would he think of these bathrooms being so clean? Is he going to hug me, offer thanks, give me flowers, praise me in front of the children for my service and dedication?” Then, as I came back into the realm of reality, I realized the truth is….he really isn’t going to care and quite possibly won’t even notice. He definitely would not understand the magnitude of the whole event and undertaking.
So why am I exhausting myself to “super-clean” these bathrooms when I could just minimally clean them and no one would be the wiser? Well, because a virtuous woman looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Jesus said in Matthew 6 to be careful not to do your deeds to be seen by men because it’s our Heavenly Father who offers and gives the true reward. I want and desire to have an excellent spirit before the Lord in everything I do, to be seen by Him alone and to know that when I joyfully serve my family or whomever the Lord has placed before me, the reward is in knowing that it pleases my God. So whether my children and husband realize the lack of bacteria clinging to their feet when they exit the shower today, I know…and God knows.
And, by the way, Craig did not notice, or if he did, he did not say anything…but it bothers me not!! My joy in serving my wonderful husband is made complete because ultimately it was in serving my King!!
Striving to live for His glory, Regina